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Friday, October 26, 2007


No, it's not what you think. No, it's not an adult film. Let me tell you this. Think of a band who's name has the words bare and naked in it. That's right it's a documentary about the Barenaked Ladies. It was directed by their fellow Canadian countryman Jason Priestly (Beverly Hills 90210 fame). He did this documentary to show the trials, tribulations, failures, and the successes of the Canadian band the Barenaked Ladies. It tells their trips from childhood to adult and the previous things mentioned. Priestly does a good job at showing how five from Canada can push themselves to succeed. Yes, they've had some set backs, like having one member of the band go into the hospital, because of Lukiema, and making his way back to the band.
This also tells how they all wound up meeting and how and why they decided to form a band called The Barenaked Ladies. One interesting fact that I learned while watching this was they got kicked off a Canadian music festival tour because of their name. The mayor of Toronto thought that they were naked women dancing and singing and told them they were not able to perform.

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