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Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Breakfast Club

When thinking about the 1980s one of the first movies I think of is John Hughes' The Breakfast Club. Many people may or may not do the same, but I know I do.In a way what I think Hughes is trying to do is show us that we're all one of or all of these five people.
In a way, I have to agree, that we are all an athlete, a basket case, a princess, a criminal and a brain. We are not these people in every sense of the word, but, we in a way are. I say that, because that's the groups people in high school fit into, whether or not they like it.
I also feel that Hughes is trying to tell us, that if we look inside ourselves we can find out who we really are, and we can connect and become friends with anyone if we choose to. We may not have to like someone but we can make an attempt to be like these people and get along and get to know people.

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