I know when people think of 1980s Rite de Passage films, they think of John Hughes, not Rob Riener. Most people wouldn't think of Stand By Me as one of these films. Why not?, I'd ask. The response is "because this is a stupid movie!"
I would snap back at the other person, "Is there something wrong with you? Are you mildly retarded?" Then this is when they get mad at me. To tell you the truth they are. The reason why I say that, is because people who don't realize that is a coming of age film, is blinder than Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and a homeless guy on a NYC subway.
Of course, when I tell them this, they get pissed at me. I mean yeah, everyone can see a story in a movie their own way, but if I tell you that the four kids in the movie are trying to become adults by trying to find the body of a dead kid, it should be as plain as the nose on your face, that the movie is a coming of age film.
So, Stand By Me is a coming of age film that most people will get. Most people will understand that. The people who don't get that are the biggest dullards on the face of the earth.
I would snap back at the other person, "Is there something wrong with you? Are you mildly retarded?" Then this is when they get mad at me. To tell you the truth they are. The reason why I say that, is because people who don't realize that is a coming of age film, is blinder than Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and a homeless guy on a NYC subway.
Of course, when I tell them this, they get pissed at me. I mean yeah, everyone can see a story in a movie their own way, but if I tell you that the four kids in the movie are trying to become adults by trying to find the body of a dead kid, it should be as plain as the nose on your face, that the movie is a coming of age film.
So, Stand By Me is a coming of age film that most people will get. Most people will understand that. The people who don't get that are the biggest dullards on the face of the earth.
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